Orgonite Multi Power Chakra mit Metatron
Orgonite Multi Power Chakra mit Metatron
- Orgonite has become very popular as a spiritual healing tool, and as protection against electromagnetic pollution. All the objects are very special, but check out the Orgonite Water Wand.. it contains real holy water from the Ganges.
Please note that these items are items that are made from natural products (gemstones) and that are handmade, not machine-made and therefore the designs can vary.
Orgon means life energy (chi, ether or prana). Orgonite is a composition of crystal, resin and metal. It protects against harmful (electromagnetic) radiation and other energy pollution. Orgonite has a general relaxing effect and promotes physical and spiritual health. The orgone jewelry is specially made to balance your energy field (aura). By wearing an orgone jewelry you can become calmer, experience less stress and keep energies of other people away.
5cm x 1cm
Power Chakra with Metatron
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